
Saturday Devotional...1/27/12

The Thief in the Night

A thief had come and broke into her safe and personal space.
No average criminal, this invisible enemy’s goal
   was of memories to erase.

Clandestine and deceitful as he did his job at first.
Before long, his mischievous behavior grew into a kleptomaniac’s thirst.

So, she lost her ability to recall names, relations, and even a loving face.
Not satisfied with mere invasion, next step was to replace.

So, after her precious valuables had all but disappeared,
He filled in the gaps and took their place with unrelenting fears.

Then he added violent anger and mass confusion.
She was completely helpless at his transfusion.

Wasn’t it enough to take her mind’s dignity?
Did he have to breed in her toward her loved ones so much enmity?

Just at the point of her greatest frustration,
When she was overwhelmed with evil sensations,

When everyone else felt hopelessly beat up, and then…
It happened…

In an instant, in a moment etched in time,
All was revealed to her, the entire evil crime.

Years of her behavior into her mind began to flood.
The horrible way she treated her friends and even her own blood.

How is it possible, the hurt to others at her expense?
That’s just not who she was, it didn’t make sense.

She remembered every word, every gesture, and every fight.
Every angry outburst, accusation, it was a horrid sight.

All in a moment’s time, her emotions overwhelmed her.
Then before she fully processed it all, her heart began to stir,

Filled with such warmth and love,
   she felt she would burst.
His hand reached down and
   lifted her head  just when she
      was at her worst.

My darling, stop looking back.
   It’s time to let go. But Lord,
      how can I? I’ve hurt them so.

No child, not you. The thief,
  the thief caused the pain.
But I’ve bought from that thief.
  It’s the very reason I was slain.

Don’t stay in that moment filled
  with regret and dire straits.
The warmth you feel is their
    forgiveness, angreater love

Come with Me to My Holy Chambers
   where we’ll feast at the banquet table.
But I’ve been so weak and confused, Lord,
    do You think I’ll be able?

I’ve conquered it all…disease, pain, and even death.
         I’ve conquered it all for you!
Never again will you be invaded. Never again will you be confused.

There’s nothing here but love and joy,
  and there’s nothing more for you to do.
But leave it all behind and follow Me.
We’ll live together for eternity.

This was written to explain the evil disease called Alzheimer’s. It took over my Aunt’s mind and finally her life. She passed from this life to the arms of Jesus January 24, 2012. Though the last few years that the disease took over her were extremely difficult for her family, she was of course still greatly loved by all.

When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true:

 “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”
I Corinthians 15:54-55

Amie Spruiell 1/27/2012

1 comment:

  1. So sorry for your loss, especially the gradual loss over the last few years. But so thankful for the peace that God gives to all in his victory over death!
