
Thursday Devotional

Just Wanting to Help

Have you ever had a plan? Have you ever had to deal with some project or event that had certain steps and a timeline in which to accomplish them? Weddings, graduations, engagements, retirements, job or school applications, house buying or selling, car buying or selling, and moving all flood my mind as projects that have built in deadlines.

Deadlines can be good for us. I like them because I know once I have passed them they are over! Of course, I only like deadlines when I meet them. I hate them when I miss them. Like the $50 credit that was only good for 6 months and I forgot about it until month 7. Having missed out on lots of rebates and other perks because of missed deadlines, I try to be very on top of such things nowadays. As a thoughtful mom, I offer to share my experience with my children. Why should they have to learn the hard way when I have already paid the price and can point them in the right direction? This is not a trick question!

I am happy to admit to my own past failures and poor decisions in order to help my children avoid similar wrong turns and challenges in their own lives. Life is rarely easy and often difficult as young people transition into adulthood. I just want to help them over a few stumbling blocks into greener pastures.

Sigh, it turns out that our loving and kind Creator planted in each one of us a will. I have one, you have one, as do each of our children. As nerve wracking as it can be to watch a young adult make or not make decisions in their lives, at some point it has to stop being ME and start being him/her. As I “reminded” my young adult of a quickly approaching deadline today, I thought, “It is a good thing God doesn’t nag me.” In all fairness He could remind me of all the promises and commitments I have made to Him and either have started but not finished or have not begun at all.

God has a perfect view of where our lives are headed. He does actually know the beginning to the end.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord.
“Plans to prosper you, not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future.”
 (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV84).

Dear Lord, thank You for Your abundant patience for me. As You have been with me, Lord, I know You will be with my adult child. Please help me to be patient and not jump in and take over their life or their decision-making process. I know Lord, I can only guess and see in part, and am limited by my own wisdom and experience. I pray Your hedge of protection around them and trust that You have their plans in mind and that You will watch over them much better than I have. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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