
Wednesday Devotional

"Listen Carefully To His Voice"

I recently attended a special meeting where a friend of mine was giving her testimony. I sat fairly close to the front so I could get a bird's eye view and hear her every word. When we began to worship the Lord first, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a lady sitting a few chairs away appeared to be spectating during worship time instead of entering in. For the most part, the songs were foot stomping, hand clapping, joyous, worshipful songs. The lady didn't budge but watched on in a somewhat passive and bored way. Everyone elce was shouting praises to the Lord and loving on Him.
It then came time for my friend to give her testimony. The crowd of people cheered her on and we all sat down anticipating what she had to share. All eyes were on my friend as she began to unfold before us how God so marvelously transformed her life from darkness to light. She had gone through many tumultous and painful times which grabbed our attention.We were all holding on to her every word. None of us wanted to miss what God did for her. The room became very quiet because of her intense testimony. She continued on when all of a sudden I began to hear this loud clip,clip,clip! It was the lady that sat a few chairs away from me. She had gotten out her large fingernail clippers and began clipping away, oblivious to the distraction she was causing. Finally someone who sat closer to her graciously asked her to stop and she did and eventually got up from her seat and walked out.

I was reminded today how God desires us to be attentive to His words and to carefully listen to what He has to say. In fact in His word in Deuteronomy 15:5 (Amplified Bible), it says "If only you carefully listen to the voice of the Lord your God, to do watchfully all these commandments which I command you this day." The Lord tells us to carefully listen to His voice. That means drop everything and be totally captivated onto what He is saying to us. If we are distracted and unfocused we will miss His voice and miss His blessings.

I encourage you today, worship Him whole heartedly, and listen carefully to the Master's voice. You will not be disappointed as you give your all to Him.

Sandy Billingham

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