
Thursday Devotional...A Day to Remembe

A Day to Remember

There are so many things to remember because it is
important that we never forget them. That is the purpose of Memorial Day. To remember that men and women have, do and will sacrifice for all of us by serving as our protectors and defenders. Veterans, active military, guardsmen and women, firefighters, police, and security form a huge foundation of support for our society.

Then I think of those who did not choose to be in harm’s way yet paid the ultimate price. The Jews in the Nazi Holocaust, victims of crime, and those killed during acts of terror by a group or individual: the Oklahoma City bombing, Sept 11, Norway camp massacre, and school killings that stretch all the way around the world to name just a few.

I do not bring these events up to make myself sad, but to remind myself not to forget those around the world who have lost a loved one in a horrible way. I want to remember so that I will make wise choices now while I am alive and able to: letting go of bitterness, turning away from unhealthy habits, and mending broken relationships.

When I hear a patriotic song, watch a military ceremony, or pledge allegiance to our country’s flag I am deeply moved with gratitude. When another anniversary passes that reminds me of a terrible attack I grieve for our world that is in so much pain. While I appreciate the free will God has given humans, I am sorry that there are people who choose to do harm to others.

Yet, there is a remembrance of death that is full of hope and promise.

During the Passover in Jerusalem, Jesus was eating with his disciples in what would become known as the last supper. He took a glass of wine and thanked God for it, then he told them, when you drink this, do so in remembrance of me. He took bread and thanked God for it, then broke it, saying to his disciples when you take and eat, do this is remembrance of me. I think one of the reasons Jesus used everyday food when he did this, is so that his disciples wouldn’t just remember what he had done for them or who he was on special occasions, when they went to church, or were crying out to him in prayer. But so that they would remember him every time they had a meal.

After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, “Take this and divide it among you. For I tell you I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes. And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.

”Luke 22:17-19 NIV

Dear Lord, Thank You for the ultimate sacrifice You made in sending Your only son to die on the cross for my (and everyone who believes) sins. Thank You for special days of remembrance, please help me to be a tender and grateful person who never forgets what is important. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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