
Wednesday Devotional..."Spiritual Correction Officer"

"Spiritual Correction Officer"

The Holy Spirit has many facets in which he operates, but one way you can look at Him is as our Spiritual Correction Officer. If we have given our life to Jesus Christ, then we have the Holy Spirit living within us. When we choose to disobey the Lord, that is when the Holy Spirit kicks in and will convict us of our sin and show us our need for repentance to get right with God. That gentle but firm conviction is ever so obvious. Then it is up to us, will we heed the call or continue in our sin?

The Lord knew just what He was doing regarding the Holy Spirit, for He knows each of us and our hearts ever so well. He knew we needed that extra help and nudge from the Holy Spirit to reveal the sin to us.

I am sure we can all recall the numerous times the Holy Spirit has revealed Himself to us at just the right time. Not only does He reveal Himself, but the Lord provides the strength and desire for us to have a change of heart and walk on that path of righteousness.

It says in His word in John 16:8...

"And when (the Holy Spirit) comes. He will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgement."

Because our Heavenly Father loves us so much, He was willing to send a special Helper, a Spiritual Correction Officer if you will, just for us. He wants only the best for us and that will never change.

In His Great Love,
Sandy Billingham

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