
Wednesday Devotional

"Longing Fulfilled"

We have all walked through times in our life where a situation may have looked hopeless. Those are truly the times we know we can run into the arms of Jesus. He will hold us tight and comfort us and give us peace and hope in Him. No matter how impossibly difficult that problem may look, the Lord will uphold us. No matter how mammoth the mountain may be that we are facing, the Lord God is standing right beside us assuring us that we will get through it. No matter how negative the world may view it and say there is no way, the Lord will always come through and remind us He is the way and has the exact answer to our problem.

In Proverbs 13:12 (NIV) "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Hopelessness can cause our heart to feel sickly and broken. But as we face that hopeless mountain, God is right there beside us. He is constantly encouraging us and reminding us that He is able. He is well able to handle it and bring us safely through our troubles. Not only is He there, but desiring to fulfill that longing and breathe life into that situation.

Never lose sight of what God wants to do through our trials and tribulations. As we trust in Him one hundred percent, we can be fully confident that even in our darkest moments, He will bring breakthrough and victory and a tree of life in His perfect time.

In His Great Love,
Sandy Billingham

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