
Tuesday Devotional

Blessed are the Poor in spirit

The poor will eat and be satisfied ;
they who seek the Lord will praise Him
Psalms 37:11

Jesus' Sermon on the Mount ( Matthew 5-7) provides for us an outline of how to live a life of worship . Starting with the Beatitudes , Christ reveals the kind of attitudes we need to worship "in spirit and in truth" ( John 4:24) . Each of the Beatitudes provides a truth that leads us to a more intimate relationship with the Savior . Applying these truths to the way we worship gives us the promised results of the kingdom of heaven.

There is no better starting place than to start with allowing ourselves to be " poor in spirit ." Being " poor in spirit " brings us to a denial of ourselves ,a dependence on God and the reward of heaven ..... Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

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