
Monday Devotional

Psalm 91:14-16

                                                                             The LORD says, “I will rescue those who love me,

There is nothing for me to fear. There is no aspect of my life that will ever be left undone, for weather I walk thru the rain (endless bombardment of issues), the fire (dying to self), or pestilence (others biting at my heals). HE will rescue me – it is a promise not dependent on me….HE is called “Faithfull”.

I will protect those who trust in my   name.

It doesn’t matter what I see – It doesn’t matter what I hear – It only matters who I put my trust in. My eye is on the Lord. HE is my shinning knight, the faithful one, who is always larger than my life….HE is “Trust”.

When they call on me, I will answer;

Here I find my rest. I may not know the outcome of a situation, or the answers to change it, but HE is in control. HE has the provision to make it thru and gives me grace, that HE may receive glory in all that comes my way….HE is “Rest”.

I will be with them in trouble,

Never do I ever have to be alone. He walks beside me, showing me the way; holding me up, and causing my life to become a testimony of HIS goodness. Saying that HIS right arm upholds me….HE is my most excellent “Friend/ Companion.

I will rescue and honor them,

Not only will He deliver me, and show me the way out but he will bestow honor on me, not for what I have done, but because I have trusted him. HE will move on my behalf and HE will then be the lifter of my head….HE is my “Shield & High Tower”.

I will reward them with a long life

My feelings don’t have to be apart of the equation. But my eye must be on God, my heart lost to Jesus, my days hearing HIS voice and my actions doing HIS will. My body is only a vehicle of transportation….HE is my “Healer”

and give them my salvation.

All this is given unto me by my greatest love and what HE requires of me, is love. Love that runs to, yearns for, listens to, makes time for, my LORD. Salvation to me is about living day to day, with HIM. It is nothing I take for granted...HE is my “All in All”.

Written by
Kathy Bireley

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