

(devotional for Mother's Day 5/13/12)

I had a mother who never spent a single day with me - she was distant and unavailable.  She also was very naive, and succumbed to temptation very easily.  In fact, she did something absolutely wrong and clearly against God's commands, and I inherited the same propensity to that sin as she had.  Do I hate her for passing that on to me?  No.  I can see both sides.  She deserves my honor and respect because that too is commanded by God in the 10 commandments, "Honor thy father and mother." She gave birth to me, and that is a gift in itself.  I can love her as another human being, deserving of forgiveness, just like myself.  She had some great qualities - she had a very intimate relationship with God and passed that on to me also.  Her name was Eve. 

Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living. Genesis 3:20 NIV

What an amazing position to be in to be the mother of ALL the living!  My actual immediate earthly mother is a very loving and kind mom and grandmother.  We have always had a good relationship.  I realize not everyone can say that, and that I have a wonderful gift in my mother.  I also am a mother of two awesome sons myself.  I also realize that there are others who are not or cannot be mothers of their own children for various reasons - some who even do not have the options of adoption or artificial reproductive methods, etc.  And even though we may have children, the relationships may be strained and difficult for multiple possible reasons.  This day may be difficult for many.  Sometimes that is due to unfulfilled desires, unexpected losses of either their mothers or their children, or unrealistic fantasies of what it would be like "if only" they could be a mom.  No matter what our relationship is with our own mothers or our own children if we have them, God is always watching over us, loving and forgiving us for our human sinfulness in those relationships.  Even Eve was still watched over by God, never abandoned in spite of being a part of bringing sin into the world and the entire human race.

Mother's Day

How is your relationship with your mother? Whether she is alive or not, and whether you are on good terms or not, can you see the the gifts?  How is your relationship with your children or anyone you "take care of" in this life?  Can you embrace the positive aspects?  May you have a blessed Mother's Day, whatever your position in life and maternal relationships.

written by Jan Andersen

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