
Friday Devotional...Hold On

Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I sure get down in the Mulley Grubs (as the saying goes). I didn’t know what to write this week for my weekly devotional….I certainly didn’t feel inspired. I sat in the stillness just listening and hoping for something from the Lord, when this old hymnal came to mind called “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand”.

I didn’t know the lyrics, but knew in my heart that this was probably the Holy Ghost prompting me to enter in. So I went on You Tube and pulled up this song, sang by different inspirational groups…and as I played this old church song and listened to the burden and the faith of these old time singers… I broke into a river of tears, my soul reached out to God’s unchanging hand and once again I picked up my weary soul and here I am.

A few of the lyrics say:
“Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to Gods unchanging hand
    Trust in him who will not leave you, hold
     to God's unchanging hand"

If I have any readers of this devotional, I urge you to go on You Tube and listen to this timeless old song, and I guarantee you that before you know it….you’ll be in the spirit speaking and singing with tears unspeakable. For this is still true, We Must...

Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand
Written by: Glenna Williamson

Here is a link to listen to this song on YouTube. Please click on it...


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