
Saturday Devotional...Balloons and God's Attributes

Good morning!

Do you sometimes feel kind of dry when you are trying to approach our God in a daily quiet time, Perhaps it is hard to clear your mind to hear His voice in our minds and hearts. Perhaps the cares and plans of the day keep crowing in and interrupting your prayer. Maybe even someone in your family has a need to talk even though you might be with your Bible or devotional in hand.

The world crowds in no matter what the interruption may be. In times like this it is nice to have a kind of crutch to help you keep your prayer in the forefront in spite of the challenges to that. 

We have a page in Women's Focus Ministries that is written by our Writing Team. The writing posted there to day is by Cathy Friberg. She ends her writing with what she calls the "Precious Attributes" of God. She has a list for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In my way of looking at it any one of these attributes provide something to ponder and meditate upon, and I think that they are good anchors when the helium baloons of life threaten to take you away from your dvotional time.

Written by Corinne Mustafa

Here is a link to that page and Cathy's wonderful writing. The ATTRIBUTES are listed at the end.


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