
Monday Devotional...7/16/12...JESUS IS LORD...


If you confess with your mouth
that Jesus is Lord
 and believe in your heart
that God raised Him
from the dead,
you will be saved.
Romans 10:9

As we worship, my heart is flooded with His presence. I realize how comfortable I am with Him. How He is like sitting with a very close friend who knows all my flaws. I lose all of my inhibitions and everything else fades into the background. It’s just Him and me and it’s very personal.

It occurs to me that perhaps not everyone feels “comfortable” around Jesus. In fact, He makes them nervous, like they have to perform for Him or try to not say the wrong thing in front of Him. They worry about offending Him, and shut their hearts.

Jesus doesn’t care if my house is not clean, or my hair is not combed, He accepts me just as I am. He cleans my soul and places a crown of glory on my head. When I asked Him to be my friend, He said, “I’ve always been your friend, I’ve just been waiting for you to invite me in off the porch.”
I know that when I take my last breath on this earth, my next breath will be in heaven. Like breathing out and breathing in, we exhale our old life and inhale the fragrance of the glory of God.

Written by Paula Glauber

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures that come to my mind as I read this. Thank you!
