

Sunday devotional for 7/15/12

Tree In The Storm

Intense storms can be quite devastating.  We had an very strong storm today that dropped over an inch of rain in half an hour in some parts of our state.  That much water added on hard, dry land and paved roads is a recipe for flooding.  As one new stream dumps into the next and so on, the water volume swells, even after the raindrops stop falling. There are places on the streets where the flowing waters wash across the pavement, deceiving motorists as to how deep and swift the water really is.  Those drivers who plow through the wash anyway with their seemingly powerful autos are sometimes surprised to find their vehicle floating away, outmatched by the depth and power of the rushing water.  The after-effects of a storm can cause more damage than during the actual storm itself.

Does your life ever feel like you are drowning in a storm?  A problem comes along, and because we are spiritually parched we are not prepared for the deceptive danger it brings.  Even after the incident occurs, our problems continue to swell if we don't know how bad the issues really are, or how to combat them or survive them, until it is too late.  Then we are swept over with grief, or loneliness, or anger, or the desire for vengeance, etc. We feel helpless against the torrent of negative crippling issues and feelings.  And when the high waters of the problems recede, a huge mess is left behind for us to clean up. So what is one to do when you feel that overwhelmed by the storms of life?

"When you feel like you're drowning in life, don't worry - your Lifeguard walks on water." (author unknown)

Red Stone Cross On A Background Of Extremely Storm Sky And Mount

If we remember that God is more powerful that anything life can throw our way, life becomes easier, the current slows, the waters recede, our streets are cleaned. Once we remember we have no need to fear, the anxiety subsides, and God can do his work. His reassurance gives us the courage to go on, to continue moving forward in spite of what the world brings to us.

28 Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.  They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven. Psalm 107:28-30 NIV

written by Jan Andersen  

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