
Monday Devotional...I will give you rest

 Equally Yoked

 Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened,
 and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you
 and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble
 in heart,  and you will find rest for your souls.
 Matthew 11:28-29

A yoke is meant to bring harmony between two. Two like animals will share a yoke with equal parts to play. It was illegal to put animals together that did not match, no small with larger. The animals must be equal to make the yoke easy to bear. It is used for guiding and directing. Jesus is saying that He will bear the burden of the yoke for us. We are to be like minded, gentle and humble in heart, our burdens become His and He bears them. Because His yoke fits all sizes we all can come to Him and find rest.

What I see in the passage is assurance of the Lord's love and care for me. If I put on the yoke and give my problem to the Lord, He becomes however big I need Him to be. Equally yoked.

 Written by Jackie Gilmer

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