
Tuesday Devotional...Attributes to work toward

 Jesus makes up for our shortcomings

The law of the Lord is perfect
The testimony of the Lord is sure
The statutes of the Lord are right
The commandment of the Lord is pure
The fear ( reverence ) of the Lord is clean
The judgements of the Lord are true
More to be desired are they than gold ,
Sweeter also than honey .

Can anyone of us claim these six attributes, perfect, sure, right, pure, clean and true? I surely can't, no matter how hard I try I'm flesh and blood and make mistakes every day .Oh but the good news of Jesus is that he died on the cross for my flesh and through Him all my sins and mistakes are covered with His blood...I claim the blood of Jesus on my life, body , mind and soul...

Thank you Jesus for your love,
and my salvation ....

 submitted by Annie

taken from Psalms 19

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