
Wednesday Devotional...8/1/12...Praiseworthy to think about

 "Meditate On These Things"

God's word tells us in Philippians 4:8...

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report,
if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-
meditate on these things."

If we truly meditate continually on what Philippians 4:8 says to do, we can be guaranteed that we are experiencing God's peace and joy and the heart of our God. It is when we choose not to meditate on the things that are good and pure is when we can get ourselves in trouble.
Dwelling on things that are not of good report can bring us down real fast. Especially if we are meditating on those things for long periods of time. That is the time we need to encourage ourself, as David encouraged himself, and begin to once again meditate on the things that are pure and lovely.

It is important that we function with the mind of Christ and keep our mind renewed in Him. That is where the peace and victory will always be, which is a great place for each of us to live in!

 In His Service,
 Sandy Billingham

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