

Devotional for Sunday 8/4/12

Most of us, while striving to be humble, want to be important in some way to other people.  For some that means being important to our family or friends.  But sometimes we may think it would be nice to be remembered forever to a larger crowd.  We may wish to  "make a mark" on history that will live on beyond our earthly years, perhaps through innovations, inventions or even politics.  Some dream of being a famous star that will live on in movies that will be watched for decades to come.  There even are companies that charge you to name an astrological star after yourself or a loved one, thereby leaving behind a permanent spot in the universe that bears your name.  This week many have been watching the Olympics, and have seen athletes reaching great heights in fame, setting records that may stand for many years to come.  There are many ways to be important enough to be remembered forever, but very few people ever achieve that status.

There are times in our lives when we realize how unimportant we really are to the world as a whole.  We see that we are nothing but a speck of dust in the vast universe.  Most of us will never fall into the category of being famous.  But there is a different type of fame that we have that is worth so much more.

We are of ultimate importance to the Lord, our God.  It does not matter what we have or have not done, or have or have not been in this life.  If we are faithful believers, our names are written in God's book for eternity.  Every single life on this earth is important to him, and he knows every single one of us inside and out, and he loves each and everyone of us equally.  We are worth everything to him.  He even knows exactly how many hairs are on our heads.  In that respect, we are famous in God's eyes!

Luke 12:6-7 (36 kb)
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.  Luke 12:6-7 NIV

written by Jan Andersen  


  1. Good morning Jan...

    This information is not new to me. I "understand" the beliefs you have presented here. However, do I really have a clue of the hugeness of these concepts? It truly boggles the mind that the God of the universe has time to know...to really KNOW me in such minute detail and that I am so important and famous to Him. WOW! That is the kind of famous that I accept and am grateful for. With this favor we lack for nothing...NOTHING! We have it all. Thank you for reminding me of all of this.

    Goc bless!

  2. I don't fully comprehend it either, but simply accept it too! Blessings to you also.
