
Monday Devotional...Promises

Tumbling waves of indescribable joy!

And because of His glory and excellence,
he has given us great and precious promises.
 These are the promises that 
enable you to share
his divine nature and escape
the world’s corruption
 caused by human desires.

2 Peter 1:4

How can I not share? How can I hold this flood of joy inside? My mind is overwhelmed with such indescribable joy! I feel like the tiny sea creatures that live at the water’s edge. Caught up and swept into the rolling, tumbling wave after wave of pure and utter amazement at God’s Love.

I do see the pain and corruption of this world, but I know that at the end of all of this – God is here. How can I explain this to the ones who will not hear? My praise and prayers may touch their still-too-raw places and cause them to turn away, run away and stay away. So I pray silently into the void within the crowd.

I pray for the wrinkled brow and injured eyes of the woman who is longing to be held, but afraid to be touched. I pray for the man who sits with his eyes closed tight, trying to ignore anyone who might ask him to carry just one more burden that is not his. I pray for the children who may not have anyone look them in the eye and smile. I smile at those who may have forgotten that it really is a beautiful day.

Even when the sky that we see is dark, the sun, moon and stars are still there, full of created and reflected light. The light is never gone. The light will always shine. The light is a promise that I hold onto every day. It floods me with joy.

This promise of joy and light in eternity is there for each one of us.

I love my life, my place in this world. I love the new blessings that I receive each day.

And knowing that this is just a hint of what is to come brings another rolling, tumbling wave of indescribable joy!

 Written by Lynda Kinnard

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