
Friday Devotional,,,Autumn....

                          ,..God's Season that I Love Most

Weather has seemed to have always affected my frame of mind or the atmosphere that I am in or feel. Sometimes I think I should have been a storm chaser

Autumn… has to the best of my remembrance always been my favorite season of the year. I think that I inherited this from my Mom. When I think of autumn, my demeanor starts to change. A smile sets inside as I start to feel that something good is about to happen pulling me into an air of expectancy that starts to swell up in my chest.

I can think back to my childhood and recall the times that Mom’s kitchen was warm with the smells of something baking in the oven whether it was dinner or baked goods. When I think of autumn, I envision cool weather….away from the summer heat that is draining. I picture colored leaves falling from trees all orange, brown and yellow in color. This excites my senses!

Fall brings on new beginnings in my mind, a new year approaching, new fall shows on T.V., warm and snuggly socks and scarves, long sleeves and a whole range of wonderful thoughts. I hear the sound of rakes as home owners prepare for the on set of winter>>> or the sound of leaf blower swishing beautiful leaves around and around till they are captured and piled in a heap. I feel the wind at my back, and a smoky haze in the air.

Just the whole picture of the new Fall season with children putting in order their new back packs filled with crayons, pencils, rulers and pens challenging them to a time of learning new things whether it be in knowledge or adventure. Recitals and school plays, warm coats, kids standing in line, bring me to a place of complete contentment.

A further reflection that stands out in my minds eye… is the coming of pumpkins, the smells of candles burning such wonderful cinnamon and clove scents. Football games, cheerleaders, parades and Thanksgiving preparation all comes into observation with its flavored colors of dark browns and greens with pilgrim hats waiting to be made from construction paper along with a child’s hand print making the image of a plump little happy turkey. Autumn makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over with the last thoughts of camping behind as autumn is well into view.

All three of my children were born in October, could this have something to do with my overwhelming love for autumn? I was baptized in the swell of a river when I first made my decision to follow Jesus….That was in the month of October and shortly followed by the Lord filling me with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, like the book of Acts describes to those who believe.

This feeling that I get around the Fall of each year must have been a predetermined attribute of God’s plan for my life and the character that he has built in me.

I close my eyes and I can see …
The close of summer, and the
whisk of a breeze.

I can see days approaching of
static electricity in the air …
Filling me with excitement, in my mind not a care.

Visions of colors and smells
dance in my head …
Soon to be snuggled all warm in my bed.

The sound of leaves falling, dark clouds in the sky …
Surely enticing for that homemade apple pie.

Children gather excited perhaps …
Fall has approached,
summer vacation has lapsed.

Scents of apple cider fragrance
 fill our home ...
Orange, red and yellow  
brighten what’s known.

That Autumn is here, hold on to your hat …
Surely I’m not the only one to consider the stats.

Written by: Glenna Williamson

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