
Saturday Devoional...No need for fear...

     ...because inside we are spiritual body builders  

My grandson started Kindergarten this week. I was sent a picture of him sitting on his large mailbox on the front porch in his uniform. His uniform consists of navy blue pants…actually shorts at this time of the year…and a light blue collared t-shirt. He is following in his grammy’s footsteps. I also wore a uniform which consisted of a navy blue jumper and a powder blue blouse with a Peter Pan collar. When Sam saw my kindergarten picture he said, “I am wearing a uniform just like my grammy did." This has nothing to do with the point I want to make. I just wanted to share this event that touched my heart. Grandchildren are such a blessing!

Another picture was messaged to me of my Sam by his mother. I had told her how healthy and strong he looked sitting on the mailbox. The new one was a picture of Sam posing as a body builder for his father. This picture is so cute and amazing as he is only five years old.

It came to my mind that this is how we are created. On the outside we are all in our human body uniform. Our prowess given to us by God is not always visible on the outside. Still we have to remember that we have been given strength and power by God to live this life He has put us in. We also have the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling and need not fear.

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ
himself and God our Father,
who loved us and by his grace
gave us eternal comfort
and a wonderful hope, 
comfort you and strengthen you
in every good thing you do and say.

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Heavenly Father, please keep us mindful of your presence in our lives and teach us that you give us spiritual muscles beyond  comprehension. Thank you Lord that we can partner with you to life life that is fearless because you have given us everything we need. Amen

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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