

Sunday devotional for 9/2/12


Things happen.  No matter how strong a Christian we are, there will be times when the tears flow.  Even Jesus shed tears when Lazarus died, and Lazarus' sister, Mary, and other Jews with her were crying over his death:

Jesus wept.  John 11:35 NIV.

God is moved when we are hurting.  He weeps with us when we mourn.  But our crying is of this world.  While we are being used as tools by God in this life, we will encounter hardships and strife.  But believers are promised that even though we may be sad and hurt deeply on this earth, we can look forward to being filled with great joy when we join God in heaven.

Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.  He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.  Psalm 126:5-6 NIV

But we must also remember that while we are being used by God to do his will on earth, He is the one who sends the rain, makes the crops grow, and produces the harvest. And when we leave this planet, the joy and happiness we will experience in heaven is not because of anything we, ourselves, have done or said on our own.  Our eternal gladness in heaven is "bought and paid for" by Jesus, himself, through his death and resurrection. That is how God wipes away our tears - by giving us eternal blissful life in heaven with him!

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:4 NIV

PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, for being with us in our difficulties in this world.  Even when we do not understand why we must suffer and struggle on earth, you are there for us, holding us up when we want to collapse.  You have carried us in our sinful state on your shoulders, all the way to the cross, and laid us at your feet as you were crucified in our place.  And in the greatest act ever performed, you died for us and rose again in order that we might live with you forever in heaven, with every tear wiped away, never to moisten our cheeks again.  Only you had the power to take on the punishment of death for our sins and still rise again to life eternal.  Forever in gratitude and thankfulness we pray in your name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen

1 comment:

  1. This is such a illuminating devotional about tears and how they are dried eternally due to the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    Thank you Jan and God bless!
