
Tuesday Devotional...JOY UNSPEAKABLE...

                 ...can be yours!         

Joy Unspeakable…

But those who drink the water I give will never be
thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them,
Giving them eternal life.

John 4:14

Picture a large bottle of Champagne…the evervesent bubbles. The spirit of God is like champagne bubbles stirring up our God within us…Let it break forth,

Hinder not what God is doing by HIS holy spirit…Just like the bubbles rising forth to the top of the bottle, our God has deposited HIS Holy Spirit in us, it is stirring and rising to new levels of understanding & experience, as each bubble is released in the atmosphere, there is a shift and change in us, by God. With each burst, there is joy, freedom, happiness, power, love, all aspects of God’s grace and love being released to us and others. Each bubble is a word from God released in power, released over the church. Stir it up, shake the bottle, burst forth…don’t be satisfied with things as they are, for God is shouting wake up my bride!

If your bubbles have gone flat, or you have lost your fire, it is time to stir up the presence of the Holy Spirit, to practice the presence of God..To day let us be aware of that beautiful gift God has give us...and let us go with Him, for God is alive and moving on our behalf…

Sue Bower,
Redding CA

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