
Wednesday Devotional...8/29/12..."No Fear In God's Perfect Love"

       ...when we trurst and walk in God's love    

As I visited with a friend yesterday, I became more and more aware of an undeniable fear that was raging in her heart as she shared her concerns. She has a beautiful relationship with Christ, but she was allowing the facts of the matter to loom higher than her faith in Christ. She shared huge concerns about her son and that if he would continue on the path he was going, that multiple danger was sure to encompass him.

As I pondered on all she shared and the difficulties that her son could be facing, I knew I must encourage her not to walk in fear. We as believers cannot afford to walk in fear. Fear paralyzes us, keeps us from God's truth and robs us of our joy that is rightfully ours as His children.

God's word tells us in
1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love;
but perfect love casts out fear,
 because fear involves torment.
But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

We are never to ignore facts about situations. And we should also do all we can to prevent dangerous things from happening in our lifes and those we love as well. Our Lord has never desired His kids to operate in torment, terror and dread. That is just not His heart.

God is calling us to trust Him and look to Him in all things. He wants us to lay our concerns at His feet knowing full well He can handle them. He wants us to rest and walk in His perfect love. As we do that there is no room for fear. Oh but yes it will try over and over to creep back in to our minds. That is when we continue to release it to Him and bask in His outrageous, perfect love for us!

In His Outrageous Love,
 Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Yes - worry/fear is not fully trusting God to handle it. I have to remind myself of this sometimes - thanks!
