
Tuesday Devotioal...Jesus Heals Woman Who Is...

                                                          ...Fighting Through The Crowd!         

“ When she heard about Jesus,
she came up behind Him
in the crowd and
touched His cloak,
because she thought,
“If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed.”
-Mark 5:27-28

      When I read this passage of scripture, the word determination came to my mind. 

What an amazing testimony of faith.  I can’t not imagine what this poor woman was physically going through bleeding for 12 years.  I cannot imagine how many times she wanted to give up hope or how many times she asked God to just end her life.  Doesn’t that sound familiar? We might not  be bleeding for 12 years, but we do experience trials in our lives, trials that cause us pain and that can paralyze us from having hope  and faith in God.  What amazes me about this woman is that she had determination to get her healing no matter what she had to go through.  If you have been in a crowd, you know that people are loud and rude because they are trying to see what is going on around them.  This crowd wanted to see Jesus.  Who knows how many others were there to get their healing as well?  I can picture this woman pressing her way through the crowd and she had her eye on the prize, JESUS!! She stayed focused on Him and Him alone.  She didn’t stop in the middle of the crowd and ask herself, “ How am I going to get to Him?”

I want to say she ignored the noise around her and kept pressing through the crowd. Can I 

ask, do we keep our focus on Jesus like she did?? Do we desire healing so bad that we allow 

nothing to stop us from getting it? Or, do we let the enemy convince us that we will never 

get healed? Do we settle on sitting around and letting our trials and hurts take over our 

lives? Or, are we going to be like this courageous woman and fight through the crowd to get 

to our Healer, Jesus?

He wants to take our trials and hurts from us so that we may be at peace with not only Him, 

but with ourselves.  It blows my mind away to know that when the woman touched His

 clothes, He asked, “Who touched my clothes?” How is that Jesus asks that question? He is

 God, He knows everything.  He knew the woman was healed and He wanted her to testify

to that .  It wasn’t for her to boast about her healing, but it was to testify her faith she had in

Him.  Even when she fell to her knees trembling and afraid, He saw what her faith did…. It

moved His Healing Hand!

So, when you face a  moment in your life of pain, sickness, or bad circumstances, fight, fight,

 fight through the crowd to get to Jesus! He is waiting for you to touch His garment. 

Written by Liz Chavez

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