
Wednesday Devotional...9/26/12..Though the wait is long.....

..."Do Not Lose Heart"

I am thinking about the many times I have prayed countless prayers for months on end for a particular situation. It appeared that nothing was changing on the outside and at times deep discouragement would set in. I would grow weary and even question God why I was not seeing answered prayer. But I knew in my heart I could not give up, and the Lord would always come through and give me the courage and strength to keep praying.

Just these last few days in that situation, I have seen three different ways in which God has heard and answered my prayers. There are still many break throughs that need to happen but I know God has His hand in it, and He will complete the answer in His time.

God specifically tells us in His word in Galatians 6:9

"And let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

So I encourage you sister to keep praying and not grow weary or lose heart for in due time you will see God's goodness and faithfulness in your prayers.

In His Outrageous Love,
Sandy Billingham

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