
Tuesday Devotional...JESUS CALLING...

                                         ...IMPACTFUL WORDS TO READ EVERY DAY   

Last May at a retreat ror writers that I had organized I received a wonderful gift from one of the atendees, my friend Paula. She gave me a book that I want to tell you about this morning. It is JESUS CALLING by Sarah Young. It has changed how I thought throughout my days. I have always prayed and read the Bible. Still this wonderful book helps you tweak your thinking. You will probably say that God speaks to you on a daily basis. I agree. It comes in the words of others, songs we hear and sing, ideas we get, heartfelt feelings, and countless other ways. So what is different about JESUS CALLING?

Here is why this is different. This book is written as if Jesus wrote it. He speaks to you daily reminding you things like whispering His name frequently throughout the day, knowing that He is constantly present, trusting that He has our welfare in His mind even if we do not always get what we hope for and pray for. You may say I know all these things. I, too, have faith and know these things. However, somehow it is different when you start your day reading devotionals that are written as if Jesus is talking...talking to you personally and almost audibly. It is a different and powerful tweak on hearing from Jesus. Also, every day there are three scriptures to look up that support what Jesus has been saying.

Since I have started reading this book daily, I wake up and immediately think, "Jesus is calling me." My response is to think, "Good morning, Jesus." The reading takes less than five minutes but the benefit of reading and the continuing thought that is inspired lasts all day.

I never thought I would be writing a "book report" for this site, but this is a really impactful writing to read on a daily basis. Hope you decide to add this to your quiet time!

God bless from
Corinne Mustafa

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