
Wednesday Devpotional...As a Deer Pants for the Water...

                                                                               ... "My Soul Pants For You God"

Have you ever experienced such incredible thirst for water to the point of possibly even panting after it? That is exactly how it describes the deers panting after the water brooks and how our Lord wants us to express an urgency to be with Him. Let me share it out of ...

Psalm 42:1-2...

 "As the deer pants
for the water brooks,
So pants my soul for You, O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God.
When shall I come and
appear before God?"

As the deer pants for the water brooks,  our God desires our soul to pant after Him as well. God wants to be our everything and he wants us to long to be with Him our every waking hour, thirsting and hungering after Him with abundant exuberance!

As we pant and thirst with extreme zealousness after Him, we will truly experience an overflow of His love and presence and rich satisfaction just being with our Abba Daddy!

In His Outrageous Love,
Sandy Billingham

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