
Monday Devotional...HERITAGE...

       ...OF FAMILY AND
                                         AS SERVANTS OF THE LORD

Isaiah 54:17 says

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper,
and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment
, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of
the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness
is of me," saith the Lord.

I’ve read that scripture so many times and always migrate to it in times of trouble. But as I was reading it today…these words really stood out to me

“This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord”

I started thinking about the word “Heritage” and what an influential word that is. That word “Heritage” goes on and on and on, generation after generation.

What we do today in word or in deed will be left for a heritage to someone in our life. Our lives tell a story, our lives leave behind a trace of who we were and what we stood for…especially to our children and our grandchildren. 

I look back at my own life and realize that my Grandmother paved the way for so many of her children and her grandchildren. She left us a heritage (an inheritance) that no money could buy. My grandma was a Christian, a very strong “Christian”. My Grandma Henley lived in Oklahoma and my mother and father lived here in California…so I didn’t get to see my grandma very much. But, when she would come to visit us, I knew in my heart what Grandma possessed. She left to me an inherited memory and her testimony of God, an inheritance of great price.

I understand now, that if my Grandma hadn’t stood strong in the faith and carried her cross and the burdens for her loved ones, I would not be where I am and who I am today in the Lord.

With that being said, how much MORE does the Lord leave us as a heritage. He left us his word, his strength, his power, his glory… for this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.
Written by:
Glenna Williamson

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