
Wednesday Devotional...10/31/12...The Lord Is With You"

                                                            ...HE NEVER LEAVES YOUR SIDE


Have you ever experienced times when you were feeling quite discouraged when all you knew to do was crawl up in the Father's lap and let Him hold you. I have had many of those times. What a comfort and peace my Abba Daddy gives me when I rest in His lap and put my head on His chest.

I find great peace and assurance in the scripture out of

Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid,
nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God
is with you wherever you go."

Not one second does my Father ever leave my side. He is well aware of what goes on in my life and is committed to take good care of me.

The storms outside will rage, but I can always know that I am safe in my Father's arms as He looks me straight in my eyes letting me know that "everything will be ok."

In His Outrageous Love,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. I love the imagery - and the picture is one I have kept a copy of to remind me of Jesus' love for me! Thank you for your post.
