
Thursday Devotional...11/T28/12...The Wrong Price

Have you ever looked at your receipt after you got home from shopping to discover you paid more than you intended for an item? When that happens to me I get frustrated with myself for not paying better attention at check out! Sometimes I go back to the store to get an item corrected only to discover that I had it wrong. It really was the higher price.

I find myself thinking a lot about prices nowadays, I think we all are. When I filled the gas tank with fuel today I only paid $3.49 a gallon. Only $3.49! I remember crying in 1998 when gas prices jumped up 30 cents a gallon to $1.55. I wondered then how we would possibly make it.

In 26 days it will be the eve of Christmas 2012. There are so many things to do and so many things to buy before then. I am happy to do these things, and I want to show the people in my life how much I care about them by being as generous as I can. An American Research Group survey in November shows that the average American plans on spending $800 on Christmas.

Whether I have money to spend on Christmas or if I am just hoping to be able to pay the bills I feel this tugging inside of me, reminding me to “Pay the right price.” We all know that the price tags have been switched in this world. Those things that are truly valuable: honesty, loving care, faithfulness, time spent together, and listening are all in the discount bin. Heavy on our wallets are the material things that can be broken or stolen and that do not matter in the long run.

I admit it would be easier to buy my mother a beautiful purse than to make the effort to spend time with her in the middle of my busy life. But that’s the way of it! It costs us something no matter what we do. May we all pay attention to the price we pay this season.

Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich;
restrain yourself!
Riches disappear in the blink of an eye;
wealth sprouts wings
and flies off into the wild blue yonder.
Buy truth—don’t sell it for love or money;
buy wisdom, buy education, buy insight.
Proverbs 23:4-5, 23
 (The Message)

Dear Lord, please show me how I may be a blessing to someone today. Please do not let me cause any harm or be a stumbling block to others. Please give me eyes to see and a heart that understands how to choose the good things at the right price this Christmas. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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