
Wednesday Devotional...11/28/12..."He Is Truly My Portion"

Every day I am amazed that God sees to it that I lack nothing in Him. From the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed at night, my needs are always met. We have a God that so profoundly has created us, so naturally He is fully aware of what is going on in our lives.

It says in Lamentations 3:24
"The Lord is my portion, says my soul, Therefore I hope in Him!"

What great peace and comfort it is to know that God will continually be my portion at any given moment in my life. I do not have to plead with Him for my needs. He so lovingly acts on my behalf with the portion that He sees I am in need of. He so lavishly pours out His love on His children and we can fully put our hope in Him every single day of our lives.
In His Outrageous Love,
Sandy Billingham

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