
Monday Devotional... When will the end come

Can you believe it, another year has passed? Remember the uproar when we started into this century? Everything was going to collapse around us! Businesses would have all kinds of problems with their computer systems! Things would grind to a halt! Life as we knew it would be no more. The news kept us up to date on the latest scare and everyone wondered just what would happen. Confess, weren’t you just a tiny afraid?

Now the end is supposed to come because the Mayan calendar has stopped! Again the news keeps us looking for something big to happen. Movies are cashing in on the end time theories and there is so much imagined fear.

Just suppose for a minute that the end does come, not because the Mayan calendar ran out but because our Almighty God has set the time and it is now!
1 Thessalonians 4-16-17

Then we who are
alive and remain
shall be caught up
together with them
in the clouds to meet
 the Lord in the air.
And thus we shall
always be with the Lord.

How different the coming of our Lord will be than as the world sees the end. This will truly be the beginning of our life and joy unspeakable!

Father God, Jesus said when He was here that only You know the time and date (Matthew 24:36) and Father we trust You and will wait upon You. We do not need to fear the outcome of this year or any year because You are in control and Your plan is perfect.

Written by Jackie Gilmer

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