
Tuesday Devotional...12/11/12...Blink

It is funny how often we will run into a friend or the child of a friend and realize how much they have changed since the last time we saw them? I am amazed by the changes in those that I seldom see, but often miss the changes in those I look at every day. Perhaps this is the case with you as well. We are so close to those in our everyday lives, we forget the wonderful gift of the everyday.

There are some people who are able to really see how life is slightly different every day. They notice the way their bodies change according to the weather, their activity level or the extra piece of pie they indulged in last night. Rejoicing or regretting yesterday’s choices, they can make allowances and adjustments quickly and avoid the pitfalls that take others by surprise.

Others tread very carefully, working hard to maintain control of what is going on now and what will happen next. They plot and plan their next outfit, meal, workday; believing that this will keep them on track. But this often leaves them helpless when the unexpected happens. Caught unprepared, they are unable to see beyond the tragedy, big or small that has come into their lives.

No matter how we approach our lives, each moment is a gift. I begin my day with prayer and my devotionals. I know that this does not mean that everything will flow smoothly; I also know that I will not be going through any single moment alone. I have loved ones I cannot see every day. So many friends and family are too far away for me to hug with more than my words and prayers. I cannot dwell on the “what ifs” and live in fear what may happen before we meet again. I must trust that they will one day meet those I love who have gone ahead and I see them all in eternity.

In our losses, if we turn to The Father, we can find peace in the memories that allow our hearts to be full of joy. We can remember when we danced, laughed and even cried with the ones we may have forgotten to call one last time, and God’s Peace can color those memories with His perfect Love.

Every day is a gift; each instant could be our last. We can choose repentance and redemption; forgiving those who have hurt us, financially, professionally, or emotionally. Or we can continue to live in resentment and regret, digging a pit of despair that prevents God’s light from shining everywhere.

Lives are changed in the blink of an eye, like the mist that forms at a waterfall; these tiny drops of water are almost unnoticed next to the mighty power making waves. A moment of distraction, a decision made in haste and everything is changed. Once each moment has passed, we move onto the next one, good or bad.

Today, I choose repentance and God’s Amazing Grace and Mercy. Today I pray for myself and for each one of us to make today another day to show the world His Love!

Why, you do not even know
what will happen tomorrow.
What is your life? You are a mist that appears
for a little while and then vanishes.
James 4:14

Written by Lynda Kinnard

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