
Monday Devotional...ADVENT...

This is a writing by Connie Clark who is in my writing class. She has had her own challenges during the past year which she shares herself in this writing. I chose to share it here because Connie chose the title, ADVENT,  a season into which we have just entered. We are celebrating that the time for deliverance is coming. Some synonyms for the word itself include arrival, start, dawn, initiation,  beginning. This period of four weeks before the celebration of the birth of Jesus is a time of preparation.

In any situation that we are facing and going through it is an important and inspiring to remember that this time of challege is a different kind of Advent. We can know with certainty that all is in place and is, in fact, happening to bring dawn into our darkness of our trials. He is on His way.

Corinne Mustafa 
                                                                              ADVENT ...He is on His Way

I love it when something happens and I think to myself, “Synchronicity,” there she is. A time when you are at a particular place or attending an event and something takes place unexpectedly that gets your attention; it seems like it happens just when you need a little nudge towards God’s arms.

A friend of mine showed me some photographs she had taken on a trip to Newark, New Jersey. She had taken the time to visit an area where Albert Holtz, a Benedictine Monk, lives and describes in his book, “From, Holidays to Holy Days.” A Benedictine Walk through Advent.

We read this book two years ago in our weekly Bible Study Class at our church. Everyone loved the stories and it holds the perfect reminders for the Advent Season.

Synchronicity. Being reminded of this book is a special blessing to me this year. Six months ago my husband of 32 years died. I have been in and out of what I term “The cave.” I have felt many times over the last six months like I just wanted to stay in the dark. To withdraw from everything and everyone.

The loneliness I feel seems like a monster is in the dark waiting to pounce on me. A true time of testing my faith. Slowly I am stepping out of my cave and into the sunshine or rain to open my heart and mind to God’s presence and love.

Reading the first few pages of Brother Holtz’ book feels like someone has sprinkled a fine mist of love and caring over me. He reminds us that Advent is a time for us to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas, a time to remember that Christ is present in every single person we meet, a time for quiet reflection and contemplation.

May your Advent Season be a special time, and may each of us be reminded of God’s love and caring, and the deeper meaning of the Holiday Season.

Connie I. Clark

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