
Tuesday Devotional...Holiday Exhaustion

                                                ...for some of us it has already started

We are in the season of Advent which is a four week period of preparation for the celebration of Jesus birth. It is in recognition of the four hundred years from the end of OT prophesy to the coming of Christ. It is good to center ourselves and prepare spiritually to rejoice about the fact that the Savior of the World was sent with His gift of salvation.

We are preparing all right!
  • decorating the house...lights inside and out and the tree and other little baubles adorning the tables and shelves or our house
  • Buying gifts
  • Wrapping said gifts
  • Planning menus for parties and the big day
  • Cleaning house (over and over)
  • Almost forgot, writing Christmas cards and mailing them
  • Last...but should not be least...Spiritual preparatiom
By the fourth day (today) into the hype of prepariing...if you are anything like me...you are probably already running out of steam if not exhausted. Last weekend we had three parties to attend and spent four hours in the car on Saturday going to, between, and back while attending two of the parties.

This is a link to a song that was in the play, Jesus Christ Superstar. please click on it and listen to it.

I wish I had some answers for you as to what you should do. If I had them for you, I would have them for myself as well. I was talking to a friend who said she would pray for me, but I would need to be still enought to hear the small whisper of God in my ear. The best thing she said to me was that I need to listen to the song (linked above) She told me that I should understand that even Jesus needed to rest.

Heavenly Father, We are waiting for You to whisper Your wisdom into our ear. There are so many claims on out attention and time at a time when we should be centered on your Son's Advent and the blesings of salvation that His birth has gifted us with.

Written by
Coinne Mustafa

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