
Wednesday Devotional..."Triumphant In Praise"

                                                         ...Best medicine for the spirit of heaviness     

Have you ever had those days you were down and out and felt blah and ready to go home to be with Jesus? I certainly have and it is no fun. What I have discovered is that my whole focus is inward. I began to dwell on my past mistakes and all the stupid things I have done and said. As I do that things began to spiral down very quickly and a deep heaviness sets in.

God's word tells us in Isaiah 61:3

"The garment of praise
for the spirit of heaviness."

So the remedy for that spirit of heaviness is to began to focus outward onto Jesus praising Him and thanking Him for all that He has done. As we do that wholeheartedly the spirit of heaviness is replaced with joy, peace and righteousness. So look onto Jesus with great praise and thankgiving and throw off that spirit of heavinesss!!

In His Radical Love,
Sandy Billingham

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