
Saturday Devotional...12/29/12...Keep the Wonder Alive

                                                             ........the wonder of Christmas that is

Two days after Christmas I was in the car with my cousin. We had some errands to do, and a couple of them were time consuming and therefore frustrating. It was a dreary day with grey skies and intermittent rain. We were riding past stores and houses still decorated for Christmas. I was feeling a bit exhausted by the preparations, celebrating, and all the stuff we do that has no relation to the reason for the season. I said to my cousin, “I don’t know what it is, but do you notice that all the decorations look droopy and lack the luster that was evident in the days before Christmas?” She agreed. It seemed so true of post-Christmas perceptions and feelings.

Now I have to say that I had been fully aware of the premise that “Jesus is the reason for the season.” I think that this year more than any other year I placed my value into that, and tried to make my preps and celebration to reflect that thought. I even wore my pin with that inscription very often during the month of December.

Later on, as I mused over the conversation with my cousin, I had a different thought. If I am aware of the “Reason for the season” then I must not so quickly forget the warm and holy thoughts I had before and on Christmas about what the Baby’s birth meant, why He was born, and what He became. The whole thing happened so that the Man could make it possible for people to be given Salvation.

This is the important thing to remember. I do not want to get bogged down in life requirements that are difficult with a result of forgetting the wonder of the meaning of this story. I want to remain in the constant knowing of what was done for me by the Child whose birth we were celebrating. Two days is too short a time to end up jaded.

Heavenly Father, I come to you today with a prayer that I can remain in the spectacular wonder of what you did for us when you sent your son, Jesus, to earth to make it possible for me…for all Your children…to be able to live with you eternally. Thank you, Father. Amen.

Written by Corinne Mustafa

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