
Friday Devotional...12/28/12...God Bless Mothers...

              ...the hand that rocks the cradle  is the hand that leads the world

My thoughts today are on a “Mothers Love”. I was reading in the book of Luke regarding Mary….the Mother of Jesus. I wondered how much Jesus kept in contact with his Mom when he was grown and doing his Fathers business…. Preaching, Teaching, Healing and all that Jesus did in the last three years of his life.

If Mary was not in direct contact with her son, she probably heard what miracles he was doing as the news traveled fast. I wonder just how much Mary did know or how much she may have understood through either a Mothers intuition or divine revelation. Either way, I know her love was probably with much concern, many tears and yet joy and wonderment of her son’s love for the people of Israel. Did she realize or have any idea that her son Jesus was the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and yet God in the Flesh?

Mary followed her son to the Cross of Calvary and wept at his feet as they crucified Jesus her son….”The Savior of the World” on that Old Rugged Cross. Oh what grueling and wrenching Mary’s life went through at that time in history? How helpless she must have felt, and what astonishment she heard when Jesus while in agony, yet uttered the words to tell his disciple to take care and watch for his Mother.

What power there is in a “Mothers Love”…. as it too heals the broken hearted, stands through the storms of life with her children, excites with tears at the triumphs of her own. Her heart still beats at the sound of their voice….no matter how old they may be. Still the touch of their hand, she holds in her possession as she perceives … “That is my child, flesh of my flesh.”

I believe that God put something special in a Mothers heart for her children. A Mother carries her child in her womb, as close to her heart as anything or anyone could ever get. That child represents her. The blood flow in her womb gives life to her unborn.

Oh, a Mothers Love!

Written by Glenna Williamson

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