
Thursday Devotional...The Brightness of Him

It is two days after Christmas. Are you still enjoying the warm glow of celebration and family love? Or are thoughts of what tomorrow will bring filling your head? I find my mind wants to worry about tomorrow. It wants to be busy thinking, “If this happens, then what will I do?” My mind argues that I am being a good planner by anticipating all possibilities. So I have to work very hard and frequently tell my mind to “STOP IT!

When I think I am being “realistic” by looking ahead in this way, I have noticed that my answers, my plans, are usually about what I will do, not about what God will do. When I listen and make myself start thinking about all the things that God has done for me, I am reminded of how faithful He is to the poorest and to the richest of us. The brightness of Christmas may feel like it was weeks ago, but the brightness of hope in a God who is faithful and caring is the very truth available for all of us to hold on to each day.

Proverbs 3:3a, 5-7 (NLV)
Do not let kindness and truth leave you.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not trust in your own understanding.
Agree with Him in all your ways,
and He will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes.
Fear the Lord and turn away from what is sinful.

Dear Lord, we are taught to work hard and not be lazy so that we will be ready for tomorrow. But You alone know what the future holds. Help us to be diligent in the work You bless us with and to be faithful in trusting You with whatever the outcome may be. No one wants to pray for crisis or trouble, yet we know they come to each of us, please help us, Lord, to be faithful and trust You in every little matter. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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