
Wednesday Devotional...12/26/12...Let the Christmas Rejoicing.....

                                       .....Continue and Keep Us Joyful

The day after one of the most highly celebrated and highly joyful days of the year can be to some a difficult day. So much going on with the Christmas preparations and season and then Christmas is over. Or is it truly over.

God's word tells us in
Philippians 4:4...
in the Lord always.
Again I will say, rejoice!"

We can wake up each and every morning and celebrate our Savior. The Lord tells us to rejoice always. He wants us to have a joyful spirit and a heart that celebrates Him every day of the year.

Rejoice in Him always and your heart will be uplifted, refreshed and strengthened throughout the year. Jesus is worth rejoicing over!

In His Radical Love,
Sandy Billingham

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