
Thursday Devotional...EACH DAY...

                                                                         ...IS PRECIOUS!

By now, everyone has heard about the atrocity that occurred in Newtown, CT. Twenty children and six staff members of Sandy Hook Elementary School were murdered on December 14, 2012. How desperately we all want answers. But is there any answer that will make us feel better or give us peace?

A person chose to do an evil thing. His despicable action ripped a gaping wound down the middle of an entire town, and people from all over the world are responding with sympathy and compassion. The horror that the families in Newtown are dealing with is a reminder of how precious each day is because we have no idea what may happen tomorrow.

God blesses those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Matthew 5:4
Dear Lord, may I remember to count my blessings every day. Please give me the understanding to see every challenge as an opportunity to walk in faith trusting that You see all that happens. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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