
Wednesday...12/19/12..."Compelled By His Love"

Christ's love for each one of us has never ceased to amaze me. He is crazy in love with us. In fact it is that kind of love for us that brought Him to the cross. He was willing to pay a hefty price for us even when we didn't deserve it. Christ went through excruciating pain, even to the point of death for His undying love for His people. And it is those who fully trust Him that reap an overflow of rich abundance in benefits because of His great love for us.

It is that kind of love that compels us to live our lives in full surrender to God and to compel others as well to pursue God with all of their hearts.

God's tremendous love for us leaves us no other option but to live a dynamic life onto Him.

In His Radical Love For Us,
Sandy Billingham

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