
Devotional 1/31/13

"Our Forever Guide"

I think about the countless times that I haven't a clue as to what to do in many circumstances. That is when I remember to cry out to the Lord to ask for help and guidance. The Lord is always faithful to show us the right way to go, for we know His ways are perfect.

Just this morning a sister in the Lord and I were needing to work out some details in a ministry we are both involved in. We both sought the Lord befor we came together in our meeting. It was so beautiful how we experienced God's strong guidance. His perfect will unfolded befor our very eyes. At the very end of our meeting there was some changes and we knew the Lord was in it completely. He gave both of us great peace.

I will leave you with His powerful word out of Psalm 48:14 " For this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide, Even to death."

In His Amazing Love,

Sandy Billingham

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