
Devotional for 1/30/13

Chambers of the Heart


 “All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs the heart.” 
Proverbs 21:2

How often do we think that we finally understand what God expects of us, and then, “bam!” we get hit with some unexpected impact that slams us to a complete stop and sometimes even makes us fall?  Even if the drop is not far, we can fall into thinking that we are being punished for something we have done.  We waste time drawing into ourselves, missing our chance to be lifted up by the faith and support of those around us.

Sometimes, help we need comes from the support of our birth family; but it can come from the unexpected brothers and sisters the Lord presents to us within our church.  It can even come from a single well-timed word from a stranger on the street.  Hopefully, these people have a measure of faith to share while we gain our bearings and find our footing again.

It is amazing to know that once we invite Him in, even when we do not remember to ask for it, God’s Love is always there, inside our hearts.  And just the smallest whimper for help, from the dark places that still try to overwhelm even the strongest faith; can open the floodgates that were closed to His everlasting light!

Instead of trying to look faithful, and feeling like a retreaded tire, why don’t we take a deep breath, nod and open our whole hearts to receive all the Lord wants for us?  Let’s exercise our hearts, exorcise our minds and let this year be the one that shows the world what it really is to be REBORN!  In every chamber of our hearts!

The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out.

Lynda Kinnard

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