
Devotional for 2/26/13

Thank You and May God Bless You!

You know who you are: you are the patient and kind person who waits and even steps aside when I am haphazardly pushing my shopping cart down the aisle while not looking where I am going. I have even, out of the corner of my eye, seen you turn around and go another way when I have stopped to say hello to someone and we are thoughtlessly blocking all thoroughfare. But what I appreciate even more than all of the patient waiting that you do, is when we cross paths at the other end of the store and our eyes meet, you have a friendly little smile on your face. Not only have you been considerate in your actions, you are kind in your heart. When I have known I should apologize, or am mortified with myself, you ease the drama in my head by the kindness on your face. Thank you very much.

Sometimes I realize you are being friendly a second too late. In my surprise, I forget to return your kindness. Please forgive me and please don't stop. I see you driving in town, waiting in parking lots, in line at check out, everywhere you go, I see you deferring to others, not insisting on your turn to spare someone embarrassment. There you are smiling encouragingly at the mother with the screaming children. Looking kindly at everyone you meet because you know there's no way to tell how hard this day has been for them. You are making a difference in people's lives by being that spot of sunshine or breath of fresh air that we didn't even know we were missing.

Live and work without pride.
 Be gentle and kind.
 Do not be hard on others.
 Let love keep you from doing that.
 Work hard to live together as one
 by the help of the Holy Spirit.
Then there will be peace.
Ephesians 4:1 (NLV)
Dear Lord, thank You for the people who are around us every day extending Your grace to others without any fanfare. Please pour out Your blessings on them and please help us to follow their example and be a spot of kindness to someone else each and every day. In Jesus name, amen.
Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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