
Wednesday Devotional..."Flooded In His Love"

I am wowed and overwhelmed with the capacity our Jesus has to love us! His love is so powerful and forceful that when we are filled,brimming over and flooded with His love, all fear has to go.

In New Living translation;
                           1 John 4:18 states

"Such love has no fear,
 because perfect love expels all fear.
If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment,
and this shows that we have not
fully experienced his perfect love."

We are in Christ, and when we abide in Him fully, we are completely filled with His protection and His love. There is absolutely no room for fear, but only the warmth and security of His wondrous love.

When my heart if overwhelmed with fear, I run to the rock that is higher than I. It is then that He floods me with His all consuming love. The safey of His love is where I want to be always.

In His Radical Love,
Sandy Billingham

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