
Devotional for 2/4/13


One of the most difficult stressors in my life is change. I get into a comfort zone and dig in my heels, not wanting to move out of it. The problem is that life is filled with change. 

In any life change can be pleasant or unpleasant; we experience it in every stage and season. 

Childhood is one passage when change is nearly constant. 
1. A child is the center of existence and then a new sibling is born. There is a humorous poem where an older child says that her momma said that she was wonderful and amazing, Then the child asks: if she is so perfect like her momma said then why did she have her little brother? Change! 

2. Five years go by and a child starts school. All of a sudden his life changes and he is no longer a preschooler who is home most of the time. Change!
3. Years go by and with each grade there is a period of adjustment until he becomes comfortable. But growth means going to new schools which means more adjustments. Change! 

4. A family can suffer reversals and a child could end up living in a car or in a shelter. Change! 

5. Death, divorce, and marriage  happens to loved ones, creating more change.Change! 

Change happens to adults as well 

1. Jobs have to be found and kept. Often a job is not forever, and change is thrust into a life. Change!  

2. The perfect partner is found and promises are made about the commitment of husband and wife; yet sometimes death or divorce happens. Change!
3. Children come along and life becomes nothing but change and challenges to be the kind of parent we want to be. Sometimes there are mistakes or miscalculations about what should be done. Change!  

4. The years go by, the children leave, then come back. They bring spouses and grandchildren into our lives. Change!  

5. More passage of time brings retirement and aging. Change!  

So we get it. Every one of us, no matter the details of our individual lives, all go through change.

There is only one constant in life that we can depend on. God will always be there for us. He loves us and forgives us of our misdeeds when we repent. He sent His Son to make salvation a gift to us.

The Bible tells us…

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

~ Hebrews 13:8, NLT

Heavenly Father,

We are so grateful that you treat us in the way that You do. We know that You never change and that we can depend on You. When we deal with difficult changes in our lives we can be confident that You never change. You have been the same and will always be the same throughout eternity. Your promises never change. Your love never changes. We are blessed that in You there is No Change! Amen.

Written by Corinne Mustafa.

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