
Devotional for 2/5/13


"Old School"
In recent years I have decided to revert to more natural home cleaning remedies and solutions. Oven and bathroom cleaning sessions found me traipsing outdoors even in cold weather. I needed some fresh air to soothe my lungs and windpipe. The harsh chemicals I was using could not possibly be good for me nor for the environment.

I was amazed to find that there were a myriad of old “tried and true” simple natural products which work quite effectively. These concoctions can clean everything from windows and counters to refrigerators and ovens. Vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice are just a few highly effective substances which most of us already have around the house. Many of these solutions work better than commercial chemical products. I've found too that proper diet and lifestyle, while a disciplinary challenge, are beneficial alternatives to pharmaceuticals for good health. These homespun approaches, of course, take more time and effort but they don't have the negative side effects associated with commercial formulas.
As I was using “good old” soap and water to clean my kitchen cabinets one morning, the Lord dropped a thought into my heart. These natural “old fashioned” cleaning remedies are in some ways analogous to Biblical solutions to all sorts of maladies. The result of sin and beaking God's laws has been a world plagued with disease, poverty, crime, strife, violence and the break up of families. Government and other worldly sources have all kinds of answers for these dilemmas. But most of these solutions never address the root of these problems. Worldy designs also have negative side effects or ramifications. Building bigger prisons, legalizing alternative family unions, and doling out more and more entitlements only perpetuate society's ills. Only the time tested classic methods declared in God's Word will truly eradicate and heal the world's malaise. Of course, embracing Jesus as Lord of one's life is the first step in being able to receive and comprehend the Bible's wisdom.

Let us then pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out more laborers into His fields. ( Matthew 9:38) Let us continually ask the Father for souls to be saved and the Word of God to go forth. Only then will hearts and minds be changed and true answers to our problems be embraced and employed.

By Cathy Friberg

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