
Devotional for 2/7/13

Nothing versus Something

I feel like I have always been waiting. Waiting for things to change, waiting for more money, waiting for the right time, etc. Each time I go through a change in my life I feel like I am waiting on God to show me the way to go, or, if I know the way but it’s hard or boring I am waiting for God to show me the benefit of doing what I don’t feel like doing. Please forgive my tongue-twisting sentences; this is what my thoughts tend to do when I am in the process of discovering that it is, again, time to, “Wait on God.”
It’s hard to believe that after many years of doing this and doing that, that God would want me to trust and wait. It looks like I’m doing nothing, but inside I am asking Him over and over, am I really just supposed to wait on You? Aren’t there any errands I could run, some few items I could tend to while I am waiting? Isn’t there anything I could do to help?
 Hahaha! I am actually laughing at that last question, because I can see that is the root of my problem, my question. I don’t want to just leave it in God’s hands and trust in His ways and timing. I want to reassure my insecure self that I have done absolutely everything that I could do. Why would that be?

I suspect that I want people to know and think that I have done my best and that I have not failed at my duties and responsibilities. But if I go a little deeper, I discover that my pride wants my actions and life choices to be proven right! Pride is such a sneaky little devil, disguising itself in all sorts of way, and in this case, in the appearance of just wanting to be diligent and helpful.
God has told me very clearly in scriptures, and confirmed it through conversations with trusted and mature Christian friends, that God is moving even when I think nothing is happening.  Right now all I am supposed to do is pray, trust, and wait on Him. Who knew that doing ‘nothing’ would be harder than doing ‘something’?
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. 6 Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way. 7 Never let yourself think that you are wiser than you are; simply obey the Lord and refuse to do wrong.
Proverbs 3:5-7 Good News Translation
Dear Lord, thank You for leading us in the way we should go. We trust You and thank You for watching over us. Thank You for hearing every prayer whispered in our hearts. In Jesus name, amen.
Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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