
Devotional for 2/8/13

Get Back Up

I recently heard a saying:

“Greatness is not what you’ve achieved….

But what you’ve overcome”

I find this to be a true saying and can identify with much in my own life of enduring hardships and failures. But what counts, is that we learn from our mistakes, endure the cross that the Lord has given us and when we fall, get back up.
We get back up with a renewed strength of encouragement and a mindset of boldness and endurance to go through, or go over whatever our trial may be. Again, it’s not the achievement of winning the battle, but rather the triumph that you’ve overcome. In Isaiah 40:31 the Bible says:

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles, they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint”.

Christians that hold on till the end shall over come (Life) by the Blood of the Lamb. For He will be with us even until the end….if we get back up.

Arise fellow believers in the Name of the Lord, fight a good fight of faith, believe till the end, hold to the truths of our for fathers and we shall rise on that glorious morning to see our Savior face to face…Amen, Amen, Amen !

Written by: Glenna Williamson

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